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  • Writer's pictureNita Jestila

Praising the Lord!

Praising the Lord!!

This has been a shockingly amazing few days. After the last treatment, I was dreading going through all  the pain again. We all kept praying and hoping that this one would be different.  And we felt like the prayers would be answered. However, we could not have imagined what was going to happen. As the effects of the chemo started to set in, the horrible pain was not there. I started getting very achey and as weak as a tiny kitten. But, never those awful pains!!  

God is so amazingly Good!!  

Even when I actually have pain, it is short and mild. Also, I am able to eat!!  

Thank you all so much for praying and walking with me on this Journey.

So thankful for Lori being able to extend her time here. Thank you to Chris, her family and co-workers for making it possible!!😘

Thank you, every single one of you, for the cards, food, words of encouragement, love and prayers!!

And for my Ter, no words can express!!

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