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  • Writer's pictureNita Jestila

Lots of News Today

We saw Dr. Rowland today. All good news. My tumor markers are down to 78...praise the Lord!! Dr. Rowland feels like since the markers have been on such a dramatic decrease that it would be beneficial to continue on with one more chemo treatment to get the numbers as low as possible. (Of course, the lower the numbers, the more cancer shrinkage!)

So, I’ll have another treatment on Tuesday. Then the hysterectomy is scheduled for May 2 (could change).

She’s hoping to do robotic surgery, which is a much quicker and easier recovery, but that will be determined at the time of surgery. They also plan to have me on antibiotics continually to prevent any more infection.

My eating is improving. Thank you all for praying. I’m trying to be more thankful for my food instead of dreading eating it. And it’s getting better.

Fun news... the sweet nurses in the pics entered my name in a drawing, and I won that beautiful blanket. What an awesome surprise!

Less fun news..

Well, I got the results back on the genetics study today. Unfortunately, I have a broken or mutated gene that can be passed down. I, of course, was hoping that would not be the answer.

It makes me sad.

I have to remind myself that God is still in control.

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