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  • Writer's pictureNita Jestila

Good News!

Wait, I interrupt this message with some wonderful news.

Just got the news that my tumor marker which was over 10,000 (normal should be 0-35) dropped to 2,000!!!

Praise the Lord Jesus. That is absolutely amazing!!

Thank you Lord!!

Far better news than we expected so soon!!

Plus, all my counts are good. I was a bit concerned that my counts wouldn’t be good since I’m still pretty weak. So that means I’ll be able to to have my treatment on Wednesday!! Amazing!!

Thank you all for praying!!

Now back to the message I was writing when that spectacular news came in.

Many years ago my first breast cancer surgeon noted that scientists have discovered that a good and happy attitude was so important because it helps your body to build T cells. T cells help your body to fight cancer. Ter right away brought to mind the Scripture, “Proverbs 17:22,

A merry heart does good, like a medicine”.

So when when I’m laughing, we always say “building T cells”..

In the past week, I’ve been building like crazy!!😍

Lori arrived, (T cells off the chart)..

Gilda the flamingo flew in from St. Simon’s Island.. thank you my sweet Hannie. Jim and Pat finally got well and came over... played Mexican Dominoes. Fun, fun, fun visits from Jason, Kayla, Timmy, Lindsay, Riley, Zoey, Joyce and Vern, Roger and Dee, and finally Pat J is well and came over!!

Then we celebrated Jason’s 35th birthday!! So the T cells are building like crazy!!

So I’m feeling really good this morning. I’m still not full speed on my strength. But I’m eating better. Thank you all for the prayers. Linz made my favorite salmon last night.

Jason and Timmy bring anything I can think of to eat. Ter caters to me constantly. Basically, they’re all continually spoiling me!! And I’m loving it all!

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