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  • Writer's pictureNita Jestila

Fourth Chemo Update

Another drop on tumor markers..(drum roll).....59!!! So totally exciting!!

So, today I did my 4th chemo. This one was just a “bonus” treatment (🤪 Lol). The plan was to have a total of six, but Dr. Rowland felt that since the chemo was working so drastically that it would be very beneficial to have one more treatment before surgery.

I am on really strong antibiotics from now until after the surgery (maybe until I’m completely finished with the last chemos) just to make sure that ugly infection does not creep back up!! Since it was in the blood this last time, they feel this is necessary.

I’ll have more labs in 3 weeks just before surgery and can’t wait to see what the count is... remembering that 0-35 is considered normal!!

From 10,000 to 59!!! We’re wild with excitement and thankfulness. God is so good!!

The only bad part of today is that we forgot to take our traditional chemo family pic!! ( I guess I could sneak in an old pic from previous So, Ter, Jason, Timmy and Linz - I’m so glad you were there with me.

And Timmy and Linz, the Goodcents party was a hit again!! I am so blessed.

I love when I enjoy eating.

BTW..I am having better times with eating...most of the time.

I really, really appreciate your prayers!!

I am scheduled to have surgery on April 25. So things are moving right along!! I’m ready!!

I can never thank y’all for your prayers and support enough!!

And one more thing. I was sharing a little story that happened today while I was getting my chemo, with their daughter, Lori. And she said that would be a really nice thing to share on the blog.

Well when we first got there we met a nice lady in the stall right next to us. We visited a little, and she was just a real sweet lady. Well when they tried to access her port they couldn’t get it to work. They put something into the port to try to break up the blood in there, waited an hour and tried again. Still not working. The nurse asked her if she wanted to just go ahead and try to use an IV? But she said no, because her veins are so bad they can’t get a IV started. They put more stuff in the port and were waiting another hour. In the meantime, Timmy and Linz came in and brought our lunch. So Ter prayed over our food and softy asked God to be with our new friend next-door that her port might start working. And when he said Amen, we heard a soft little “thank you” through the curtain.

Then, as we were eating I heard them say “it’s working”! Without even realizing it, I shouted very loud, “YES”. My family were all startled, but then very happy for our sweet friend!! God is good!!

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